Winter Tea Breaks

By January 29, 2019

Tea Breaks will resume for the Winter Quarter starting TOMORROW at noon in the IS Salon. As always, you are welcome to drop in and out of the conversation with our guest as your schedules permit—we know your schedules are complicated, but spending just a few minutes introducing yourself to a senior colleague and hearing how they got where they are professionally can really pay off. (Between 25-33% of Tea Break encounters lead DIRECTLY to internship or post-MLIS job opportunities for our students.) And, of course, there will be treats. 

Here’s the stellar lineup of guests for the rest of the Winter quarter:

January 30 – **Susan Allen (PhD ’96) Director, California Rare Book School

ATTEND IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN: Academic and special library leadership, program management, victory-lap careers, continuing education for information professionals, or chocolate chip cookies

February 6 – Peter Sachs Collopy, University Archivist and Head of Archives & Special Collections, CalTech Library

ATTEND IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN: Science collections, institutional archives, the history of video technology in science, medicine, and society, or lemon bars

February 13 – **Teresa Soleau (MLIS ’09) – Digital Preservation & Library Systems Manager, J. Paul Getty Trust

ATTEND IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN: Managing born-digital materials in large-scale institutions, acquiring new digital skills post-graduation, or chewy chocolate gingerbread cookies

February 20 – Anthony Cunha, Founder and CEO, and Blake Blasingame, Film Services Manager, Duplitech

ATTEND IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN: Film and digital media enterprises, working with studios and streaming platforms, media asset management, or Bundt cake

February 27 – Howard Rootenberg, Owner, B & L Rootenberg Rare Books & Manuscripts

ATTEND IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN: Transitioning out of a law career, the rare books business, or carrot cake

March 6 – Cory Fisher, Rights Manager & Archivist, Krishnamurti Foundation of America

ATTEND IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN: Spiritual and philosophical special collections, putting an art-school degree to work in an archive, rights management and publication initiatives, or rhubarb snacking cake